Sunday, June 12, 2011

Arbitrary Day: personal art gift

Arbitrary Day is an event created by Reddit Gifts.  This is the attempt by the online community to participate and exchange gifts IRL (in real life).  I am interested in this concept of the internet crossing over into real life.  It is usually a one way street in which we give up a lot of "real life" interactions to virtual ones and it is nice to see it being used the other way around.  Arbitrary Day basically a secret santa on an arbitrary day.  By signing up I am paired with another Redditor and committed to sending them a gift to arrive on that day and in exchange i will receive a gift. The gift is your choice. My match goes by the username dejennarate.  I have chosen this opportunity to share and test my latest idea - binary imaging.  Based upon the response I receive from dejennarate will determine if i continue with my binary imaging project.

Digital image of the work being sent to dejennarate. It is a binary coded personal message. This is my first binary imaging "painting" and a test run with this idea.

binary on canvas
11" x 11"

Response from dejennerate:

her response:

also here is what i received:

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